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Modifying Object Properties

Modifying object properties is a vital part of scripting, as it allows you to manipulate objects.

To get and set properties, you need a reference to the object itself. View Accessing Objects in a Script for more info.

To access a property, you may use the dot notation.



Tip: To see a list of properties, that the object may have, you can view its documentation or look at its properties below the Explorer.

That alone will already return the value of the property. Although nothing is being done with it. You may use something like print() to print out the value to the console.



To set the property, you may do it how you would set variables.


game["Environment"]["myPart"].Position = Vector3.New(10,10,10)

There are certain properties that can't be changed:

-- Will error, the property 'ClassName' is read-only.
game["Environment"]["myPart"].ClassName = "StringValue"

Tip: To see which properties are read-only, you may look them up in the Documentation.

Changing the Name and Parent properties, which every object has, will affect how you access that object in the script. Changing the Name property renames the object and changing the Parent will move the object to a new Parent in the place structure.

Example using Name:

-- myPart gets renamed to epicPart
game["Environment"]["myPart"].Name = "epicPart"

-- You can no longer access that part using game["Environment"]["myPart"], as its name changed.
print(game["Environment"]["epicPart"].Name) -- Prints out "epicPart"

Example using Parent:

-- myPart gets reparented to game["Hidden"]
game["Environment"]["myPart"].Parent = game["Hidden"]

-- You can no longer access that part using game["Environment"]["myPart"], as its parent, and thus its location in the place structure, changed.
print(game["Hidden"]["myPart"].Parent.Name) -- Prints out "Hidden"

References to object will not be lost, despite the object being renamed and moved to new parents:

local myPart = game["Environment"]["myPart"]

myPart.Name = "The Part"

-- We can still access the same object using the variable, despite it changing names.
print(myPart.Name) -- Prints out "The Part"

myPart.Parent = game["ScriptService"]

-- We can also still access the same object using the variable, despite it being reparented.
print(myPart.Parent.Name) -- Prints out "ScriptService"