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DynamicInstance is the base class where all objects with a position, rotation and scale derive from.

Abstract Object

This object exists only to serve as a foundation for other objects. It cannot be accessed directly, but its properties are documented below.

Additionally, it cannot be created in the creator menu or with Instance.New()

Inherits Instance


LookAt → void

Parameters: rotation [ Vector3 ]

Rotates the DynamicInstance so that the forward vector looks at the target.


part.LookAt(Vector3.New(12, 34, 56))

Translate → void

Parameters: translation [ Vector3 ]

Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation.


part.Translate(part.Forward * 5)


Forward : Vector3

The forward vector of this DynamicInstance

LocalPosition : Vector3 = Vector3.New(0, 10, 0)

Specifies the position relative to the parent of an instance.

LocalRotation : Vector3 = Vector3.New(0, 45, 0)

Specifies the rotation relative to the parent of an instance.

Rotation is in euler angles.

LocalSize : Vector3 = Vector3.New(1, 1, 1)

The size of the instance relative to its parent.

Position : Vector3 = Vector3.New(0, 10, 0)

Specifies the position of an instance.

The right vector of this DynamicInstance


part.Translate(part.Right * 5)

Rotation : Vector3 = Vector3.New(0, 45, 0)

Specifies the rotation of an instance.

Rotation is in euler angles.

Size : Vector3 = Vector3.New(5, 10, 4)

Specifies the size of an instance.

Up : Vector3

The Y axis of this DynamicInstance